Over the past 12 months the Skippers and Operations Managers at South Coast Mariculture have been trialing the Mussel app. We are finding the App to be very helpful in the day to day operations of farm management. Keeping track of our ready to harvest lines, empty lines and the lines that require assessments at the click of a button is fantastic. The farm Map visuals with the traffic light system and the ability to add and subtract floats is extremely useful. The Calendar and task functions are making every day farm work easier than ever to keep up with and track. The ability to print out farm overviews or display them to other operations staff on a big screen is another great feature. My favourite is the quick and easy task of assessments, with iPhone or iPad the skipper or vessel staff can assess a line capturing all the important data with the ability to add real time photos.
Hika Rountree, South Coast Mericulture